Project Awards of the Performance Plus

The 2023 project awards of the "Performance Plus" adventure, that started in 2010 at Ege Fren, were distributed.
On December 22-25, our continuous improvement system “Performance Plus” award ceremonies were held with the participation of our General Manager. 44 projects and 177 employees were awarded.
Held for the first time this year; Awards and plaques were given to our employees who gave the most suggestions throughout the year in the Opinion-Suggestion-Request system. Our General Manager Tayfun Üzel presented the plaques to Mehmet Ali Akgün with 51 suggestions at the Pınarbaşı location and to Onur Durdu with 47 suggestions at the Aegean Free Zone location.
We would like to thank all our employees for their contribution and participation in the "Performance Plus" system, which continues to develop, and especially the entire R&D team that adds value to Ege Fren with "Patent, Utility Model and Article Publications".